The orbits of the planets and the path of a cannon ball

         performance in Mousonturm Frankfurt, DE 2015

         exhibition in gallery SODA, Bratislava, SR, 2014

found text in residential library*, drawings (frotage inside of burnt sequoia), 2 video projections

*Appolonius who lived about 230 B.C. broke away from Plato's rule and started to study curves we cannot draw with
a compass or a ruler. He focused his attention on studying three curves, which correspond with the boundary of a slice

of a cone. Two of them are ellipses representing the orbits of the planets. The parabola represents the path of a cannon ball. (Mathematics for the Million by Lancelot Hogbene - found in a sequoia grove in California).

A drawing illustrates the space that was created as a result of these two sections and it refers to the shape of a burnt sequoia. Burnt hollow cores of these trees used to be accommodated by original inhabitants of sequoia grove. Later due to colonial mess their observation of the orbits of the planets was intersected by the observation of the path of the European cannon ball.page13image9816