Peeing arcs and vulgar plants 
EVIL TWIN SISTER, Botanical Garden of the Jagellonian Univarsity, Krakow, 2018

curators: Piotr  Sikora and Anna Pichura
audioguide reading in botanical garden  

peeing arcs  
and vulgar plants

twin sisters are double rainbow 

Her skin has a color of magenta which is an extra-spectral colour, meaning that it is not found in the visible spectrum of light. Rather, it is physiologically and psychologically perceived as the mixture of red and violet/blue light, with the absence of green.[5]


The inner environment of her body contains a rainbow. The base of the rainbow begins in the red root area placed in her genitals stimulating her basic truth capacities. Smoothly continuing into the upper part of her body there is an orange area situated under her belly bottom stimulating her sexuality and creative capacities. The yellow area found in solar plexus empowers her wisdom. Slowly moving upwards one can locate a green area placed in the level of her heard enabling exploration of her love and healing capabilities. The blue area located in her throat underlines her communication skills. Her third eye is the area of indigo color triggering her awareness. The end of the rainbow is situated in her crown. It is a purple area broadening her spirituality. 


If you imagine the end and the beginning of the rainbow which is red and blue area, the magenta color connects this end and this begging from the outer side of the rainbow.  It connects it in an imaginary manner. It’s a fictional color. Her skin is a fiction.


twin sisters are simply a double rainbow.
Every rainbow is a double one, but in order to see the fainter second one .. one  needs a very bright sun or really dark cloudy background.

what does it mean, what does it mean?
what you see in her it’s you. that’s what it means. 

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her genitals are the symbiont of orchid flower and vulva. the basic pollination arouses her sexual pleasure. her genitals are formed by lips placed in a specific irregular dispositif having variable functions. 

God sent the symbol of rainbow to Noah in order to promise people that he will never create another destructive global flood. 
Yosemitebear62 on 8th January 2010 saw the Double rainbow which gained a worldwide popularity. 

We used to call sky the ceiling and dreamed about the house without the roof  
There are two circular gaps in the ceiling. It’s dark cloudy weather.
twin sister appears on the ceiling. 

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her lips serves to attract insects, which pollinates her, and acts as a landing platform for them.  
her labium or so called labellum is the modified median petal that sits opposite from the fertile clitoris and is usually highly modified from the other petal segments. 
It is not unusual for the other two lips to look like the sepals, so that the labellum stands out as distinct. 

On the front, each lip a petal forks dividing into two portions surrounding clitoris 

The upper part of each lip passes above the clitoris to meet the upper part of the other lip—which will often be a little larger or smaller thick moist petal which overhangs glans clitoridis. 

The labellum is often united with the column and can be hinged or movable, facilitating pollination and her sexual stimulation. Often, the labellum is divided into three or more lobes. Some have modified fleshy lumps on the upper surface of clitoris, with some being divided into multiple ridges or a central keel - the tongue. 

When the clitoris is flat and broad, it is sometimes called a plate, which can have fringed margins. The clitoris can be highly modified with striking colors that may aid in pollinator deceit and mimicry.

This floral hood is very sensitive to the touch and serves to cover most of the time the shaft and sometimes the glans to protect it from mechanical irritation and from dryness. 

Yet the hood is movable and can slide during erection or be pulled upwards a little for greater exposure of the floral hood to pollinate stimulation.

Stimulation of the clitoris occur through tension of the floral hood by inner labellum pulling at them. 

During pollinate sexual arousal they are lubricated by the pollen mucus secreted by blooming glands and around it to make pollination painless and protect them from insect's irritation. 


Like the whole area of her floro-vulval vestibule, the mucus secreted by blooming glands protects her labellum from dryness and mechanical irritation, 

The inner lips serve to protect from dryness and infections the highly sensitive area of the floro - vulval vestibule with rhizo-vaginal openings in between them.  


She likes to pie in public spaces. It is not unusual that when she pies or pukes or manifest any kind of ejaculation it mostly comes in a form of a mashed rainbow 

excreting arcs  
vulgar plants

she tickles her skin which is still a fiction